Sunday, December 4, 2011

My interview

First day, first slot, first hour, one interview and I got placed. World Quant :).

Whether I will be joining or not is still a question but it is good to have a back up. Rest of the week was awesome. Many parties with friends, couple of good moments with them. One of which I will never forget

" Agar aap ATM se 1024 rupay download karte hain, to heap me allocate hue variable ki kasam aap CS vaale hain"

Overall, It was a fun week.

For those of you who have not been placed or those who have placements next year, here are the questions they asked me in the interview. These are not much but will give you a flavor of the kind of questions they will ask you in the interview.

1. There are five points in an equilateral triangle of side length 1. Prove that there are two points with distance less than 1/2.

2. There are three primes p1,p2,p3 each greater than 20. Sum of these primes is 256. How many such pairs are possible.

3. There are hundred people in the class room. Everybody picks a number from 0 to 100 including 0 and 100. I take the average of all the number and multiply that by 2/3, call it m. Person with number closest to m wins. If you were in the class room, what number will you pick?
You can assume that everybody is as intelligent as you.

4. You have nine digits 1,2,..9. Make two numbers using these digits exactly once such that product of the two numbers is maximum. Eg. 4321 x 95768.

I couldn't do it in the interview(my guess was wrong).

5. This is a very common puzzle that everybody would have done.

There are hundred people standing in a line. Each person is wearing a hat of color black or white. Each person can see the hats of all the people ahead of him in the line. Now, Antariksh comes and ask each person: " what is the color of your hat?". If a person answers correctly then ant gives him a chocolate else ant kills the poor guy. Ant starts from the last person in the line.

What should be the strategy of the guys in the line so that maximum chocolates are collected?


  1. Please elaborate 3rd question a little more.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Any number of people can chose the same number

  4. Is the answer to the 4th question
    just a guess

  5. @abhilash, That was my guess too but it is not the answer.

  6. Hi,

    Is there some trick for q2. How did u do it in just 12 secs !!!!

  7. Every prime other than 2 is odd. Hence, sum of three primes (all greater than 20) must be odd.

  8. How about 96521*8743 for the 4th answer? and 12 seconds, very nice! took me a little more..

  9. q4 is amazing. let's see 9642*87531
